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GPS coordinates
Car park: 47.398010°North; -0.31613°West / 47° 23′ 53″ North; 0° 18′ 58″ West
Entrance: 47.398003°North; -0.315513°West /47° 23′ 53″ North; 0° 18′ 56″ West
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These details are means to us to know you better to answer your request in the best way. They will be used to keep you informed of our services and will be used only by the Priory Association. We can keep your details. If you are against that, please let us know.
In accordance with the French law n° 2004-801 of the 6th August 2004 relative to the physical persons protection on the use of details, modifying the French law n°78-17 of the 6th January 1978 relative to informatics, files and liberties, you can have access and edit, correct or delete your details, contacting the Priory Association.